Matchmaking start-ups and investors in our e-pitching event on September 10  

At the upcoming investor e-pitching event on September 10up to ten start-ups from the Green Deal batch will present themselves to various leading European venture capitalists and angel investors. This time, selected start-ups from the EIC seal of excellence portfolio will have the opportunity to showcase their sustainability-focused innovations, attract the attention of the investors, and convince them of their merits for their next financing rounds.

What is the e-pitching event? 

The e-pitching event is a private all-virtual event hosted on Zoom, which takes place about once every 10 weeks. At the event, selected early-stage companies have the opportunity to introduce themselves within a 15-minute pitch including a 5-minute Q&A with investors. For the pitching event, pre-selects start-ups from a batch of related fields of industries, topics, and trends.  

What is the focus of this new batch? 

Every e-pitching event is designed around different topics, together with changing, cooperating partners. This time, the batch focuses on sustainability, with a special spotlight on climate change and environmental degradation. Inspired by the European Green Deal, start-ups can boost the efficient use of resources by cutting pollution, moving to a more circular economy and restoring biodiversity. Together with our partner of the Innovation Radar & Business Acceleration Services of the European Commission, we set the stage for impact start-ups. 

Are you an impact start-up?  

Apply with your investor deck and any other supporting materials including, e.g. your EIC proposal or business plan, until August 16 to take part in the e-pitching. Please send your materials to [email protected]. To participate in one of our next e-pitching events, join the program, and receive our invitations: Apply hereWe offer your start-up dedicated business acceleration & investment support on your EU-funded innovation to prepare you in the best possible way for the next e-pitching or the upcoming investor round. 

Are you an investor? 

Take part in the e-pitching event to see pre-selected start-ups of the sustainability batch pitching and add them to your portfolio. Get easy and fast access to start-ups from all over Europe, and expand your network of impact ventures and start-ups focusing on sustainability. If you want to participate, reach out to us at [email protected] or register here: