Unless a startup can bootstrap, VCs are the necessary partners to get ventures off the ground. So, on 2 December, Dealflow hosted a virtual workshop addressing the ever-critical topic of fundraising.

Venture capital investor, Olaf Jacobi, moderated the virtual workshop event. Drawing on his 25+ years of business experience as a corporate executive, serial entrepreneur, business angel, and Managing Partner at Capnamic Ventures, Olaf shared his wealth of knowledge about `Tips and Tricks´ of early-stage fundraising geared towards the 12 participating startups from the Dealflow portfolio.

The two-hour workshop, a mixture of lecture and ‘Ask-me-Anything’ sessions, was broadly structured around six VC topics: VC Basics, Making Investment Decisions, Presenting Investor Materials, Other Investment Participants, VC Outreach, and ‘Hard’ VC Cases including hardware and capital-intensive use cases.

Lively discussions and questions from the startups accompanied each topic. In VC Basics, for example, Olaf made use of his entrepreneurial and investor experience and illustrated why win-win situations are equally important for startups and investors. Additionally, Olaf gave candid advice about the value of leveraging investor introductions, highlighting that founders should e-mail investors, refer to joint contacts or join relevant events, and rather avoid (cold) calls, LinkedIn contact requests, and bulk e-mails. Moreover, some other bernardspharmacy.com Tramadol discussions probably elicited surprise amongst the attendees, for example, when Olaf noted that literally every pitch deck received by Capnamic via e-mail is reviewed according to the 2-eyes principle.

This workshop was the second edition of Dealflow’s Ask-me-Anything session. Please reach out to [email protected] and if you haven’t already, apply for dedicated support and receive invites to upcoming events at apply.dealflow.eu.